Stand Up & Shout


Stand Up & Shout – Hard-Hitting Songs for Social Change and a New Australia is being released in conjunction with GetUp! The CD


contains over 75 minutes of songs about issues that affect all of us: AWA’s, refugees, the environment, unionism, greedy business, inept politicians and how the hell we always seem to be at war.

Featuring Eric Bogle, Solidarity Choir, Judy Small, Jack Mancor, Touchwood, Borderers, Margaret Walters & John Warner, Bernard Carney, Steve Beavis, Mike McClellan, Pat Drummond, Working Voices Choir, Rachel Gadd, Dermot Dorgan, Danny Spooner, Peter Hicks, Bruce Watson, Wheeze & Suck Band, Barney Pilgrams, Jim Leeses, Jim Low, Kuta Beach Band. Yes, you’d be right in thinking these are some of Australia’s best rebel songwriters and singers.
‘Stand Up & Shout’ ‘(Hard-hitting songs for social change and a new Australia)’ STAND UP & SHOUT! was born of troubled parents: disappointment and frustration. Disappointment that our great country has seemingly abandoned its heard-earned values, turned its back on unionism, refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, incarcerated refugees seeking asylum, led us into undeclared wars, introduced draconian workplace legislation, sold our media and culture down the drain and encouraged rampant commercial greed. Frustration that we have not moved closer to a Republic, (other than the United States of America), and frustrated that we stand under a cloud of conservatism that defies our larrikin spirit of independence and fair play. On a bright note, it is important to realize this is still a great country girt by sea, at peace under the Southern Cross, abounding in natural resources, especially its greatest resource of all, its people. It is these same people who can and will change the path of Australia, steer it into the blue, out of wars, around unfair laws, towards a Republic, and to a new Australia that we can all be rightfully proud of. To be effective the people’s voice has to be heard. To be heard it must sing out like a massed choir. Solidarity has been the keyword of unionism for over a hundred years but it now applies to all of us. We must be unified in our voice. This collection of thought-provoking songs came together from a good idea – from little things big things grow – and would never have happened without the enthusiasm of the songwriters and singers who set the ball rolling. All the artists on STAND UP & SHOUT! have donated their artist royalties to GetUp! because they believe the politically unaligned grassroots organization does an effective job in communicating issues that effect one and all of us. That can’t be a bad thing! STAND UP & SHOUT! is a testament to the continuing role of song in political activism. Songs can sometimes get a hearing where politicians and big business cannot, and never will. We are not telling people how to vote but to vote with their hearts, not pockets. We hope this collection opens some minds to a new Australia. Track Listing: 1. Love Is The Answer – The BordererS 2. 10,000 Miles Away – Pat Drummond 3. Refuge For A Refugee – Bernard Carney 4. The Heartland – Mike McClellan 5. Falling Down – Kuta Beach Band 6. The Contract – Eric Bogle 7. No More War – Jim Low 8. A Small Price To Pay – Dermot Dorgan 9. Not Just A Refugee – Steve Bevis 10. Spanner In The Works – Jack Mancor 11. Some Things Were Not Meant To Fade – Rachael Gadd 12. Our Best Friend – Judy Small 13. A Modern Chief Executive – Jim Lesses 14. Bye Bye Awards – Working Voice Choir 15. All For Me Job – Peter Hicks 16. Axises of Evil – Solidarity Choir 17. The Sorry Song – Bruce Watson 18. Duopenilitis – Barney Pilgrims 19. Down Workers, Go Down! – The Wheeze & Suck Band 20. Taken – Touchwood 21. Join Your Union – Margaret Walters & John Warner 22. Bring Out The Banners – Danny Spooner Stand Up & Shout
CD review by Kevin McCarthy
It’s election time and what better way to put the important election issues into perspective than listening to the new compilation Stand Up & Shout! Stand Up & Shout is the music of tour time – bringing together some of Australia’s most talented songwriters and singers who all have something to shout about! Stand Up & Shout was born of troubled parents – disappointment and frustration. Disappointment that our great country has seemingly abandoned its hard-earned values, turned its back on unionism, refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, incarcerated refugees seeking asylum, led us into undeclared wars, introduced draconian workplace legislation, sold our media and culture down the drain, and encouraged rampant commercial greed. Frustration that we have not moved closer to a Republic (other than the USA), and frustrated that we stand under a cloud of conservatism that defi es our larrikin spirit of independence and fair play. Stand Up & Shout contains 22 hard-hitting songs for social change and a new Australia that range from satirical to gut-wrenching, thought provoking to celebratory. Contributors include The BordererS, Pat Drummond, Bernard Carney, Mike McClellan, Kuta Beach Band, Eric Bogle, Jim Low, Dermot Dorgan, Steve Bevis, Jack Mancor, Rachael Gadd, Judy Small, Jim Lesses, Working Voice Choir, Peter Hicks, Solidarity Choir, Bruce Watson, Blarney Pilgrims, Wheeze & Suck Band, Touchwood, Margaret Walters & John Warner and Danny Spooner. Stand Up & Shout is a testament to the continuing role of song in political activism. Every track has been independently produced and many have neverbefore been commercially available. All artists have donated their artist royalties to the politically non-aligned, grassroots, possum stirring GetUp organisation ( Stand Up & Shout is a must-have album.

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SKU: TN646-68 Category:

Additional information

Weight .100 kg
Dimensions 14 × 12.5 × 1 cm