Streets of Forbes


The Streets of Forbes” is one of the best-known folk songs in Australia and yet it is only one of the many that reflect the rich folklore and heritage of the town.

Where else in Australia could you stand in the local cemetery and within 50 metres see the headstones of two of the great bushranging names in our history, Ben Hall and Kate Kelly.

Tales of shearers, bushrangers, drovers, goldminers and swaggies have all been preserved in verse or music that reflect the cultural and historical importance of the area. Over a period of time these songs have been collected, preserved in The National Library of Australia and then interpreted and recorded by various artists and bands Australia wide.

Forbes resident and keen folkie Rob Willis in conjunction with the Forbes Shire Council has produced a compilation CD of songs and dance tunes from the area. The recording features such bands as Wongawilli, Growling Dogs, Collector, Us Not Them, and Harvest Moon.
Rob Willis also recorded local schools playing and singing collected songs and tunes for the CD. A combined Primary Schools Choir sing “The Streets of Forbes” The Red Bend Catholic College Band and the Forbes High School Music Group also contribute a couple of tunes. All proceeds from the sale of the recordings will go to the schools to continue to develop music programs.
Featuring: Us Not Them, The Combined Choir of the Primary Schools of Fores, The Emu Creek Band, Growling Dog Band, Wongawilli Band, Red Bend Catholic College Band, ‘Collector’ Band Bathurst, Harvest Moon Band, Eucalypso Band.

3 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: TN066-40 Category:

Additional information

Weight .200 kg
Dimensions 22 × 16 × .50 cm