Brett Robin Wood – Likely Stories


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SKU: TN507-51 Category:


“The Michael Leunig of singer/songwriters” With catchy tunes, sparkling guitars, agile wordsmanship and Liz Frencham’s buoyant bass and honey-soaked backing vocals, this is narrative, acoustic folk-pop that leaves you smiling at what it is to be human. Brett Robin Wood’s studio album “Likely Stories” is a mixture of up and down tempo glimmering narrative folk-pop with plenty of humour and fresh ways of looking at the stuff of life. There are drums, semi-acoustic bass, acoustic guitars and some angelic multi-track Liz Frencham choir-of-angels backing vocals. There’s also some lovely instrumentation thrown in including sparkling trumpet, bright lead guitar and some sweet piano-accordion. Brett Robin Wood is a contemporary acoustic folk-pop storyteller. Think Josh Pyke, Loudon Wainwright, Billy Bragg, Ron Sexsmith, The Shins, They Might Be Giants – and you’re in the territory. Brett has appeared at a number of folk festivals including the National Folk Festival 2006 (ACT). He is a twice NSW champion Theatre-sports player and performs in the comedy show “160 Characters”, which played sell out seasons at the Sydney and Melbourne Comedy Festivals, the Adelaide Fringe, the Wollongong Arts Festival and the Singapore Arts Festival.

Likely Stories – Brett Robin Wood
by John Williams

Brett Robin Wood’s new album covers many facets of the human condition.
I like his catchy lyrics which are delivered in a clear Australian voice.
He writes about contemporary life, creating pictures with his words which are easily recognizable.
The CD notes provide all the lyrics. (I wish all artists did that).
The tracks I really enjoyed begin with “You’re in my Way”, a love song with a difference.
It is followed by “Bondi Sand” which took me back to my youth at that very beach, how many songs do that!
I really liked the trumpet in this track.
“Dream Girl” is a song about a man coming to terms with reality.
“Umbrella Winter” reminds me of a Leunig cartoon put to music.
“The Bitching” is pure satire which makes you want to bite your tongue before you do it again.
“Farewell” is a song of sweet sorrow, beautifully presented.
“Where’s my Girlfriend” is about a bloke who is temporarily out of luck.
“A Cup of Tea” should become a contemporary classic, a twenty-first century update to replace “Billy of Tea”.
“The Long Road” features Liz Frencham at her best.
The CD finishes with “Back to my Place” and is perfectly placed to end a delightful musical journey.
A highlight of this CD is the acoustic bass of Liz Frencham coupled with her superb backing vocals.
I missed the 2006 National where Brett appeared but I will make certain I see him perform live somewhere down the track.
CD and Gig information can be obtained at