Jeanette Wormald – Messenger Bird


Two of the major influences for the songs on this album have been my love for South Australia’s Mallee region and the Australian environment and a growing appreciation, understanding and respect for our indigenous heritage.

It takes 400 years for a Mallee tree to grow to a size where the trunk becomes hollow and can sustain nesting birds or become a home to small mammals. The tree is a living testament to the need for patience and endurance. Yet in the past: the Mallee environment has been maligned and perceived as monotonous and worthless. It takes time to discover its hidden delights and subtle beauty.

Too often in our lives we allow the fast pace to overtake our ability to enjoy life. It becomes a blur, a monotony of days with no time to discover and appreciate the little things that make life truly beautiful. The smell of the earth after rain… the brilliant green of new leaves contrasted against tiny red branches… the changing of seasons.

The original caretakers of Australia knew this land. They understood it. They took the time to observe and celebrate its beauty. I would like to acknowledge Aunty Dot Shaw, of the Raukkan community, for enabling me to learn about the Ngarrindjeri language and heritage. Her wisdom, faith and gentle strength is inspirational. I would also like to thank Numitja llli, or Elsie, of the Oak Valley community for her infectious smile and her willingness to share her heritage and teach me some Pitjantjatjara.

About the artist: Jeanette Wormald’s voice resonates with the essence of Australia. Together with two of SA’s leading acoustic musicians she presents original songs in a diversity of musical styles from lyrical country folk to jazz and blues, all inspired by the Australian landscape.

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SKU: TN107-15 Category:

Additional information

Weight .200 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1 cm