Liz Frencham – You & Me Vol 1


A collection of live duets

“I resisted reviewing this album. It’s so close to me, I feel like a maiden aunt. I knew a good few of these songs before they were fully formed, and know some of the stories behind them perhaps more
than anyone. But I have no problem being honest, because this
album is one of the most accomplished debut CDs I’ve ever had the pleasure to hear.
Most of you will know Liz best from JICZAG, Sydney’s joyous acoustic folk/pop trio well known to Trad&Now readers. Jigzag is still a thriving band & features Liz’s original music, but for a long time, Liz has yearned to make her very
own album.
And finally she’s done it – and a
gorgeous thing it is. From the very first impression – the matt finish paper sleeve with delicate artwork of beaches & waterfalls & the lovely Elisabeth resplendent in handcrafted fairy wings – it is apparent this CD is a thing of exquisite beauty.
Some of the songs may be familiar to you – many of them have been played by Jigzag at some stage – but it’s a real treat to hear them in company with each other-as there is a warm atmosphere that pervades the entire recording that is quintessentially Liz.
There’s a lush collection of intimate & inspiring songs here – The long-awaited Jericho; Room at The Table; Stronger The Tree; the never-before recorded Angel’s Wings (written when Liz was just 20); the playful “Gabriel’s Kid
Brother &”Make My Day’; and the
Melbourne -move inspired “Suitcase”(that to me is reminiscent of the best of Deborah Conway). There’s some darker, more edgy material too – the jazz-influenced Sleepless and Liz’s first bouzouki solo piece Happy Dream are both evidence of life lived with a full & open heart. Liz’s lyrics are perhaps her most precious achievement. She writes from & for her heart, but with a precision of perception that is a delight. I’d like to quote some, but I wouldn’t know where to stop. And just in case some of you fellows out there are thinking this is a ‘chick’record – I have it on good authority that it’s good listening for the warm-hearted bloke as well.
Of course seeing Liz perform live is the most delightful way to hear this music – her energetic, playful style of double bass playing soon to be complemented by her newest musical adventure as a bouzouki player. And her singing is a rich, passionate offering to us all.
The most startling thing for me about this recording is extraordinarily well-crafted production. I get the feeling Liz could easily find
another career path as a music producer if she ever runs out of song-
writing inspiration (heaven forbid!). The arrangements are seamless & elegant & full of delightful surprises – from the oh-so-classy french horn, euphonium & Hugel
horn on Sweet Basil; to the clever & cute modem on The Nerd Song.
There are only two ‘covers’ here – a simple homage to love by Steve
Vella Open Honest Heart, and the
traditional hymn When I Survey –
included as the most evident
example of Liz’s deep spiritual faith (and her Mum’s favourite).
On first listening, it’s possible you’ll hear the sweetness & beauty of this recording most. When
you listen more, you’ll notice that there are two other ever-present elements in Liz’s music – honesty
& playfulness. I think these are Liz’s dual passions, and this recording is a testament to a life lived with dedication to both.
We have too few ‘folk’ artists who achieve mainstream recognition – far less than their talent deserves. Liz is one of the fortunate few to have bridged this gap – her title track Jericho getting airplay on Radio National just a few weeks after the album’s release. And her first run of this CD is already sold out – mostly because there were hundreds of people so keen to hear it that they pre-purchased. I for one am immensely proud of Ms Liz Frencham – does it show?” Review by
Maree Robertson

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SKU: TN764-20 Category:

Additional information

Weight .200 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1 cm