Melisma – Greek & Sephardic Music


Melisma, in music, is the technique of changing the note (pitch) of a single syllable of text while it is being sung. Music sung in this style is referred to as melismatic, as opposed to syllabic, where each syllable of text is matched to a single note.

Music of ancient cultures used melismatic techniques to induce a hypnotic trance in the listener, useful for early mystical initiation rites (Eleusinian Mysteries) and religious worship.

This album features 5 tracks with the Aria award winning composer and musician Irine Vela and renowned klezmer violinist Ernie Gruner who have joined with vocalist Nicole Weatherill to create Melisma, an invigorating ensemble whose performances take the audience on an uplifting and mesmerising journey through Greek and Sephardic musical traditions.

Featuring laouto, guitar, bouzouki, violin, percussion and vocals, Melisma weave their way across the Mediterranean and the East, exploring dances and songs of love, death, exile, poignancy and passion.

Melisma received a successful response to their blackboard gigs at the 2004 National Folk Festival (Canberra) being offered a spot on the Budawang stage, and then at the 2005 festival. Melisma performances include The Boite, Barbukkah, the Darebin Music Festival, Shepparton Arts Festival, The Big House, Gippsland Acoustic Music Club. They have produced a 5 track CD recording.


Melisma CD/EP Track titles & free music download

1. Milo Mou Kokkino ( My Red Apple) 2.57
2. Quantas Sabedes (All Ye) 1.12
3. Mes Tou Aigaiou (The Agean) 3.20
4. Kimitri (Cemetry ) 5.25
5. Erima Kormia (Aching Body) 2.55

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SKU: TN351-23 Category:

Additional information

Weight .200 kg
Dimensions 21 × 16 × 1 cm