29 August 2023 By Cec Bucello 2

Trad&Now Live! 24/7 Folk Music Radio




Trad&Now Live! update

Trad&Now Live! is a free international streaming service for Australian folk music in its broadest sense.

It has been live on air since July and has gone ahead in leaps and bounds since then.

There are already over 5,000 tracks programmed with another 5,000 to be added by the end of the year.

Trad&Now Live! can be heard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and all music heard was originally recorded in Australia and is available on a CD available from the Trad&Now website.

It has attracted listeners from around Australia as well as overseas, particularly the USA, UK, Japan and New Zealand.

Genres included are traditional and contemporary folk music, bluegrass, acoustic blues, roots, Australiana, Americana, Celtic, World music, and traditional dance music with a little bit of bush poetry, all as heard in many folk festivals around Australia.

More music is added every week.

This is the first such service for Australian folk music and is an ideal medium for making Australian folk music available to everyone at any time all around Australia and anywhere in the world as well.

It’s like a Spotify for Australian recorded folk music.

Playlists and other content information are available on the home page of the website.

One hour long specific genre programs are scheduled on the even number hour from 4 AM until 10 PM every day.


Following is the current schedule:

4AM:   Traditional Folk Music Hour

6AM:   Celtic / British Music Hour

8AM:   Comedy, Poetry and a bit of Protest Music Hour

10AM: Contemporary Folk Music Hour

12 Noon: Recent Arrivals (18 months) Hour

2PM:   Australiana Music Hour

4PM:   Instrumental Music Hour

6PM:   World Music Hour

8PM:   Bluegrass & Old-Timey Music Hour

10PM: Blues and Roots Music Hour


Feedback received:

“Just wanted to say we love this new concept, we’ve been listening through my iPad but now have managed to work out how to listen through our tv. Loving the music since we turned it on at 5 minutes to 5pm.

“Well done!”

Chareen and Ray Unsworth


“I’m liking this station …..is there a shareable link that you can give me so I can share it around?”

Maureen O’Brien, Award winning singer songwriter


“What a great service.

“Let’s hope you get lots of listeners.

“We’ll let people know.”

David Wanless, Folk Federation of Tasmania Magazine


“Good on you Cec, getting Trad & Now online.

“I’ll certainly get that information off to you re-my new album and about the others too.”

Margaret Bradford, Performer


“Will definitely let everyone know about T&N Live.

“I’ll publish an article on the website and can give it a wrap in the next e-News.”

Pam Merrigan, President, Folk Federation of NSW


“This looks great and I’m sure we can give it some exposure.”

Claudine Edwards, The Boite


“We have been spreading the word about your new live streaming service and will continue to do so.

“Hope it is a great success.”

Chris Charters, Secretary, Newcastle and Hunter Valley Folk Club


“ …….I do appreciate Trad&Now’s new music program.

“Great to have my music included.”

Jim Low, Performer


“I’ve got Trad Live going now.

“Congratulations, it’s great to hear.”

Michael Fine, President, Troubadour Central Coast, Folk & Acoustic Music Club


“Happy to run a story on your exciting new streaming.

“I’m also happy to put the Live image and link at the bottom of our site.”

Rob Dickens, Listening Through the Lens.Com


“Excellent idea!  Well done!”

Bruce Watson, Performer


“We absolutely love the folk radio station you’ve started, brilliant, Australian answer to folk alley maybe?

“We would love to be a part of this venture.“

Mandy Breeze, Performer


“Definitely keeping you in mind for the more folk leaning acts I work with and letting them know about advertising options and now the new streaming radio service!

“Great work.”

Chris Familton Publicity


.” . a great idea!”

Wayne Richmond, Humph Hall


“Fabulous initiative Cec.

“Love it.

“Such a refreshing change from standard music radio.

“We have so much great talent in this country that needs showcasing and you’ve provided that platform.

“Keep up the great work.”

Rick Narbutas, Performer


“Well done Cec. Very impressive!”

Ann Palumbo, Performer, Urban Excentrix & RAPT


“For anyone wanting their online radio fix of Australian folk music, the (slightly edited) email below may be of interest.

“….this service can be accessed via the Trad and Now home page.

“The link to it is prominent in the centre of that page.”

David Ball, President, Monaro Folk Society


“I’ve been listening to the stream and enjoying it immensely.”

Jane Bower, Radio Adelaide Folk Show 101.5FM


“What a wonderful idea!”

Celia Sexton


“My very great compliments on your radio channel.

“I have listened to it quite a bit, and as soon as I can work out how to play it on my phone it will become one of my go-to listening sources when driving and working in the shed.”

Tony MacFarlane, Hear After Studios


Trad&Now Live! complements the Trad&Now magazine and the Trad&Now website.

The Trad&Now website has the world’s largest selection of Australian recorded folk music listed and available for sale and Trad&Now Live! helps to expose this vast catalogue of music to the world.

Trad&Now magazine is Australia’s longest continually running national magazine covering those genres of folk music and is available mostly by subscription and from all good newsagents around Australia.

Eight (8) editions are published every year, it only costs $55 and includes a free compilation CD.


Trad&Now Live! FAQs

FAQ: How do I get it?

As long as you have the internet on any device, you can get Trad&Now Live!

This means that your computer, lap top, iPad, tablet, mobile phone, or even your TV, can all do it.

The first thing to do in nearly every case is to use the internet to go to the Trad&Now website: www.tradandnow.com and on the home page you will see the TradLive logo with a constantly updating playlist underneath it.

If you click on the TradLive logo that will take you straight to the music.

It’s as simple as that.

You’ll see a moving sound bar or you may need to push the play button for it to start.


FAQ: The bar is moving but there’s no sound

If you still can’t hear anything even though it looks like it’s playing, check your device to see if you have muted (ie turned off) the sound.


FAQ: What is the QR code for?

The QR code is just another way to get Trad&Now Live! on a mobile phone without going through the process described above.

Most of us got used to using a QR code during the pandemic to go anywhere.

This is the same procedure.

Simply put the mobile phone on camera and hold it over the QR code on the front cover of the magazine or any other printed document.

That will take you to the internet browser of your choice to take you to the website.

FAQ: Will a widget work for Trad&Now Live!?

Yes, for those of you that are tech savvy and want to create a shortcut, or who have tech savvy offspring, you can create a widget on your mobile phone or tablet but it’s too complicated to explain here.


FAQ: How do I make it work in the car?

In the car, you can simply listen to the broadcast through the mobile phone, but as the speakers are very tiny, the sound quality that you hear will not do the broadcast or musicians justice.

You can either attach ear phones, which is also ideal when jogging or walking, or connect to the car radio, either by using a cable that plugs into the Aux hole on the car radio for older vehicles, or using Bluetooth for newer vehicles.


FAQ: Why does it drop out sometimes when driving?

As the broadcast relies on the internet, when there’s a weak signal, it drops out and then usually returns.

Sometimes, if it doesn’t return, you’ll need to stop somewhere safely and reset it, but luckily that’s a rare thing and totally depends on the wi-fi signal wherever you are.


FAQ: How do I know who is playing and song titles?

There’s a constantly updating playlist on the Trad&Now website, but as you used your connection to hear it, on all devices except the mobile phone, you need to return to the internet and open a second tab and then connect to the Trad&Now website again.

That way you can scroll down to see the constantly updating playlist, buy CDs or books, read about the artists as if they are liner notes on an album, and read published reviews on the CD playing.

However, you can’t do this on a mobile phone as they only let you open one website and one tab in that website at a time.

You can use someone else’s phone for that purpose if one is available.


FAQ: How do I know if there are any scheduled programs and if so when they are on?

The Trad&Now website has a blog section where you will find the latest updates.

Just click on the word “blog”.


FAQ: Where does all the music come from?

All of the music heard on Trad&Now Live! is from CDs that were recorded in Australia by Australian musicians over the past 25 years (and sometimes earlier) and are held in stock for sale on the Trad&Now website.


FAQ: How is this folk music with such a great variety of genres?

Folk music in its broadest sense, being the music of the people, could be all music heard anywhere.

However, for this purpose, we use the definition to include the wide range of music that you would be likely to hear at most folk festivals around Australia.

This includes traditional and contemporary folk music, bluegrass and old-timey Americana, acoustic and county blues, roots, Australiana, Celtic, British and World music, some traditional dance music, a bit of comedy and some bush poetry.


FAQ: How can I get my music included?

If you music fits within the genres mentioned in the previous FAQ and it was recorded in Australia, contact info@Trad&Now.com for a consignment form which sets out what’s required or download the form from the website in the About Us section on the home page.


FAQ: Can I advertise on Trad&Now Live?

Yes there is limited advertising available to cover costs.

This depends on what’s available any time so it’s best to contact info@Trad&Now.com

Cost starts from only $2 per advertisement as an indication.



For more information or to submit material, contact info@TradandNow.com