Christina Crofts – Midnight Train


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Christina has developed a distinctive style and sound based in the tradition of the 70’s blues/rock guitar greats.
Now after having played repeat performances at many venues around Sydney over the last year, including an appearance on the Bimbadgen Blues Festival, 2009 looks set to herald in some exciting times for Christina Crofts.
Armed as always with her artillery of “battle scarred” old Strats, a bottleneck she’s fashioned from a Tia Maria bottle, one of the meanest Vox AC30’s on the planet, sassy vocals and fresh new material now available on her debut album Midnight Train – Christina has launched her solo career!

CD REVIEW – by Eric Ford
This is Christina’s second album.
Electric blues with a 70’s feel and
lots of slide guitar.
A Queenslander, Christina moved
to Sydney in the early 80’s and met
Steve Crofts who, impressed by her
“feel” and passion, gave her guitar
She’s played in many bands over
the years before developing her own
“Midnight Train”, her second
album demonstrates this style
It’s almost typical blues/rock
wailing guitars with slide adding to
the sound
Christine wrote or co-wrote the
songs and plays lead, slide and
rhythm guitars.
Busy as well as talented.
Her voice is almost at times
overshadowed by the backing.
For me a more traditional folkie,
“scratch a folkie and?” it works.
I really like the sound that the
slide guitar adds to the overall feel
of the album.
Chritina’s young sounding and
light voice has a satisfying “growl”
when necessary
Overall the caterwailng muzzy
doop doop sound gives it the 70’s
Angel Dust, an instrumental,
initially reminded me of the Shadows
but then the “raunch” fed in.
The songs are simple and well
crafted covering the typical blues
spectrum – Love, Loss and Wanting
or should that be Desire?
Christina has been described as
a “cross between Lucinda Williams
and Rory Gallagher down under”!
I can see and hear why.
It’s not only well worth buying the
album but getting along to one of
Christina’s gigs.
I can see her, just, in a dimly
lit smoky atmosphere’d club just
wowing her audience.