McMahon and Short – Loungeroom Sessions


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SKU: TN2537-90 Category:


Pete’s versatility makes him impossible to button-hole into a musical category. A performance might include the musical influences of many genres including folk, jazz, rock, blues and country.

Pete has played in pubs and clubs for many years, he is able to perform as a solo or with one of his specialty bands. With his winning combination of entertainment, vocals and acoustic instruments Pete needs no artificial backing tracks.

You name it – Pete has done it! From touring the UK on his talents, working solo in the pubs in the English Midlands, performing in prison concerts in WA and NSW, extensive recording, film soundtracks, radio shows, song therapy, builder of over 200 musical instruments and touring with the Drifters.

Pete has worked with the Conway Brothers, Flying Wombats, Heritage Ensemble, Ragged Band, Blue Gum, Stringybark, Jacaranda Ceilidh, String Fiddle Tradition and is the leader of the infamous McMahon Brothers.

“An eclectic basketful of tuneful tales that showcase, Pete and Sue McMahon and Kim Short.

Fourteen songs that grew in a Loungeroom, recorded in a home studio and delighted audiences.

Making Music in the good old fashioned way.” Sue McMahon



CD review by Tony Smith








The 14 tracks on this CD are largely the work of Pete McMahon and Kim Short.

They play, sing, compose, arrange, record, mix, take photographs and produce!

Along the way, there is support from Sue McMahon (vocals, keyboard, management and Anglo concertina), Ralph Pride (pizzicato violin on a track) and Kathy Potter (flute on a track).

McMahon plays guitar and ukulele while Short plays bass, guitar, drums, percussion and keyboard.

The picture of a box of chocolates with various centres is an ideal visual representation of this assortment of tunes.

The tracks and their acknowledgements are: Mangoes (McMahon and Short), Downstairs (K McArthur), I Ride A Bicycle (G Floyd and Short), Rolling Dice (G Floyd), Ain’t Misbehaving (Brooks, Razaf, Waller), Murphy’s Pub (B McHardy, Short, S Lockwood), One Day (P and S McMahon), North Coast Line (Short), Driving to me Door (P Brosgarth), Liquorice Junkie (G Floyd), Making Music (K McArthur), Astrology (G Floyd and Short), Don’t Fence me In (C Porter) and Everybody’s Advertising (Short).

‘Mangoes’ has a summery feel and the voices blend well here.

‘Downstairs’ starts with a cheeky laugh and we soon find ourselves at a drunken party.

On ‘Rolling Dice’ the higher female voice over the walking bass provides nice variety.

Some fine guitar picking is a feature of ‘Ain’t Misbehaving’.

‘Murphy’s Pub’ is a strong drinking song, while ‘One Day’ encourages dreams of a happy future.

There is a surprisingly ethereal atmosphere to ‘Driving to My Door’.

‘Liquorice Junkie’ is perhaps one of the most appealing tracks here with Sue McMahon’s voice again central.

They kept the best till last.

‘Everybody’s Advertising’ has the guitar rhythms of a Rolling Stones’ tune and the lyrics are sharp.

Yes, everyone has a slogan on their t-shirt these days, and sometimes this amounts to ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’, even if you do not really believe.

Overall, ‘Loungeroom Sessions’ has a simple enough theme.

Short and the McMahons are enjoying themselves, and why would they not want to share their pleasure in being able to perform and to join together so happily?

It would be good to have a little more information about G Floyd, as he or she is a large presence in these tracks.