Niksta – Schade it’s a Shame


SCHADE- Nicksta

I was singing one night in a place called “Radio Oriente” they have jam sessions on a Sunday night. I was approached by a man who owned a studio and worked alongside a school friend who produced the material which was recorded there. His name is Andi Lieflander…. We got along quite well and I even was given a room in Andi’s house while we were working on the album. There was a lot going on for both us… I was stressed out as I just wanted to get the recordings done as I found it hard to find work myself… but luckily I found work cleaning someone’s house. For food and drink I would play twice a week in a wine bar. Andi was stressed out because he needed to find a job that would pay for his bills. He ended up evicted from his flat and I had to find somewhere else to live too.

This album became a burden to me as I became very frustrated with the whole situation and due to the circumstances out of my control the album was neglected and I had run out of money and only had a one way flight back to Australia. So I came home a little bit like a dog with its tail between its legs. I was devastated that my so called “dream album” was not completed and Andi and Matthias are not on speaking terms.

I went into depression and part of my fight back was to finish the album on my own with only the equipment I had. I managed to somehow pay for everything. The songs are very personal even towards the Producer/ studio a song was created called All I can….

I guess you can say I proud of myself for finishing it even though I still have some regret that it was not completed fully by the studio. I am very grateful for the experience as frustrating as it may have been. But I think it sounds good it captures what I wanted to say and the music is bluesy soulful music. Music these days has lost its soul with technology being so advanced. That is why you will find songs that have not been produced and were recorded at the time of the emotion…Coffee and all I can. Roar and live which is really what I am – a human who makes mistakes who sometimes roars a little and is definitely live! – Niksta

CD review by Chris Spencer

Niksta is the recording and/or performing name for Nicole Keipert, who is based on the Central Coast area of New South Wales. She spent some time living in Germany where she performed live and almost completed recording an album.

What I can gather from the liner notes is that Niksta was able to form the basis of this album using the original tapes and completing the recording herself.

This album is far removed from what I consider folk.

Niksta’s performs live using an electric keyboard and guitar. For the most part, the album is stripped back to just vocals and one instrument. There’s little use of drums or any other musicians credited on the album.

Surprisingly Niksta’s strongest track is not the first. “Move On” begins with washes of keyboard and some percussion (perhaps created on a synthesiser). It’s out of step with the rest of the album. “The Tailor”, with its story of having some clothes made in Hong Kong, has a piano basis and sees Niksta sort of talk-singing over the top. “Coffee” is bluesy-jazzy, slowed right down. “English Rose” is a bit more urgent; “Heard” perhaps the strongest track on the album is another jazz influenced number. “Flow” is a bit more complex but lacks a strong melody. “Therapy” is a laid-back ballad; “Home” co-written with Glen Cardier is another contender for best track on the album and features Niksta playing classical guitar.

I found that the tracks I liked better, and seem better suited to her voice, are on side 2 (!) of the CD. They are more laid back, have better lyrical content and are more cohesive.

Her web site suggests Niksta is preparing a second album. I look forward to seeing how she develops her obvious talents and to see if she writes a few songs that have a bit more meaty subject matter.

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SKU: TN1808-75 Category:

Additional information

Weight 0.200 kg
Dimensions 22 × 16 × .50 cm