Paul Horn – The Peace Album


Proportion, purpose, space… the fundamental principles of architecture exist on both physical and metaphysical planes. And they are the fundamental principles of the arts as well—and of music in particular.

This compilation offers a diverse glimpse into this connection between music and great works of architecture, as well as some unusual, and usually beautiful sites that are not nearly so well-known and the ultimate architecture—that of the earth itself.

The peculiar magic of the world’s great architecture is to both distill and expand the experience of music. A reverberant space gives the musician the change to really listen. Paradoxically, this deeply personal experience can be communicated to a wider audience. Maybe it’s that very intensity that enables this music to speak so clearly—to all of us who might never have the pleasure of playing one of our own creations into the echoing dome of the Taj Mahal, or the vaulted ceilings of a European cathedral, or the implacable stillness of a New Mexico night.

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SKU: TN1560-75 Category:

Additional information

Weight .210 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1.5 cm