Ngiya Awungarra – I Am Here Now


Tiwi songs are items of significant Australian musical heritage that we should all be proud of.

Since 2007, Ngarukuruwala have shared musical ideas to create new versions of old Tiwi songs.

In 2009, Tiwi elders visited AIATSIS in Canberra to reclaim recorded Tiwi ethnographic material, collected by anthropologists over the last century.

Exploring musical, cultural and emotional intuitions, Ngarukuruwala have created a series of responses to those recordings. Some are spontaneous ideas, others loosely arranged and some are intricately produced. The result is multi-stylistic and truly unique, with the sounds of the Tiwi bush and of the archives threading it all together.

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SKU: TN2375-83 Category:



CD review by Graham Blackley

TN2375-83 – $25

 TN155 Apr 23

This moving and intriguing album showcases modern musicians interacting with and responding sensitively and creatively to archive recordings of Tiwi voices.

As the tagline on the album cover says, this collection features “Tiwi voices past and present in new musical conversations”.

Boasting a rich sonic palette, top-notch production values and a cheerful embrace of eclecticism, this album inspires the listener to become truly immersed in the carefully crafted melodies, varied voices and atmospheric flourishes.

‘Ngiya Awungarra: I Am Here Now’ is an intelligent work of art worthy of your attention.

Additional information

Weight .150 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1.5 cm